Artists Tips and Tricks Guide

Thank you for your interest in the FIGMENT Festival 2024! This guide will lead you through the process of bringing your piece to Snug Harbor on Staten Island

The guide is by no means definitive. New challenges and information may arise in the weeks leading up to the event. When your piece is accepted a volunteer curator will work with you to keep you apprised of changes, and may supply new information that supersedes the details contained in this guide. Be sure to stay in regular communication with your assigned volunteer curator. 

If you have questions about bringing your project to FIGMENT that are not addressed in this guide, please email [email protected].

What's New?

We will add new information about FIGMENT 2024 on this page as we go along. Check out our updates for the latest news on Snug Harbor and our curatorial process.

Weekend Event Process Timeline

  • Call for Submissions is Open! Project approvals begin on a rolling basis
  • For preferred placement and promotion submit your idea by MARCH 31.

  • TBD Snug Harbor Site Visit #1—Visit the island with the curatorial team
  • April 10 Project Approval Deadline—You’ll hear from us by this date if you haven't already
  • TBD Snug Harbor Site Visit #2 —Visit the island with the curatorial team
  • June 6 and 7 Install
  • Jun 8 & 9 FIGMENT Festival in NYC!
  • Jun 10 Deinstall Day—All projects must be removed by 6pm Monday unless alternative arrangements are worked out with FIGMENT and Snug Harbor 


NYC 2024 Weekend Artists Guide

Thank you for your interest in The FIGMENT Festival at Snug Harbor on Staten Island!  This will guide you through the process of bringing your piece to FIGMENT. Please check back here regularly for updates. 

The Curatorial Team will keep accepted artists apprised of changes, and may supply new information that supersedes the details contained in this guide. Be sure to stay in regular communication with your assigned curator.

If you have questions about bringing your project to FIGMENT that are not addressed in this guide, please email you curator directly for the quickest reply, or send an email to [email protected]


FIGMENT After Dark!

Saturday, June 8th from 7pm-10pm FIGMENT AFTER DARK returns!  You are invited to submit projects that have a special interactivity when the lights go down. Once the stars are out we expect a variety of submissions from wearable art, LED based sculptures, art cars, blacklight reactive interactivity and more. Be part of the magic and submit using the Call for ART Form


FIGMENT NYC Weekend: What’s new and updated for 2024?

We’re going into our third year at Snug Harbor on Staten Island this year, but even if you’ve been an artist in the past, please read the following information carefully.  Send an email to [email protected] if you have questions.


Operating Schedule

Although Snug Harbor Cultural Center is open seven days a week it is also open to the public from dawn to dusk. While the hours will make it much easier for you to visit and prepare for work on the island, the fact that there are daily visitors has implications for the event that you should consider:

Installation & Deinstallation Safety & Security

Artists may enter the park when it opens at dawn and begin work at 7 am but must be ready for visitors to also visit the site. You must ensure that any unfinished installations, tools, or scrap materials do not pose a hazard to others, in particular, children. Use warning signs, rope off your area, and have another person help to watch your installation until your work is complete. 

FIGMENT can not supply volunteers to guard installation sites.  Unattended sites deemed to be unsafe by FIGMENT or Snug Harbor will be removed. 

You must secure any valuable materials or tools if you leave your work site (even if the park is closed).


IMPORTANT: Vehicle access

This year participants can arrive by car, bicycle, or public transit. For those coming by car, you may park in the lots provided by Snug Harbor but parking is limited. After receiving permission from Snug Harbor, cars may drop off material close to their placement and may park in designated lots or near Snug Harbor.  


Placement & Park Land

The Placement Team is part of the Curatorial Team.  We have found that this improves placement decisions and coordination between artists and FIGMENT staff.


Indoor Space

Some indoor space is available!  Yay!!!


VISITING Snug Harbor  


FIGMENT offers two optional “Site Visit” events for accepted artists prior to FIGMENT Weekend. These visits provide artists the opportunity to visit the Island and meet FIGMENT staff in person. See the Weekend Event Process Timeline for the dates planned for this year.


Site Visit 1 (SV1) is scheduled well in advance of the event giving artists the opportunity to explore the Cultural Center.  Reservations with your curator must be made in advance to participate in SV1.


For Site Visit 2 (SV2), preliminary placement plans have been completed, and artists will be given a placement map, have the opportunity to visit their planned placement location and provide feedback to the Curatorial Team.  


Artists are welcome to attend either event if their schedules allow


FIGMENT Project: the big picture

FIGMENT is a forum for the creation and display of participatory and interactive art by emerging artists across disciplines. FIGMENT began in July 2007 as a free, one-day participatory arts event previously held on Governors Island in New York Harbor with more than 2,600 participants. Since then, FIGMENT has grown significantly each year—in number of projects, duration, participants, volunteers, fundraising capability, exhibitions, locations, overall level of commitment and participation, and public support. 

FIGMENT is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization entirely funded by grants and individual donations. FIGMENT accepts no corporate sponsorship of any kind. FIGMENT is supported by private donations from individuals and by public funds. FIGMENT NYC has received support from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council, as well as by the Fund for Creative Communities, supported by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the New York State Legislature and administered by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council. 

For further background on FIGMENT, see our History page. 

The 11 FIGMENT Principles

FIGMENT has 11 principles that shape our event, giving our events a unique flavor and experience found in few places elsewhere in the world. They also guide the curators in selecting art appropriate for the event. Upholding the principles presents challenges to FIGMENT artists, staff, and volunteers that many other art events do not have to address. We take these principles seriously, and you’ll see references to the FIGMENT principles throughout this guide and elsewhere in our materials. Please familiarize yourself with them here

Using the Call for Art Form to submit your intention to bring a project to FIGMENT

When you’re ready to submit your intention to bring a project to FIGMENT, go to Call for Art Form to start the submission process.

The process has been simplified this year.  All you need to submit is to fill out the form with your intention and the beginning of your idea. After that you will be connected with a curator who will help you through the process of detailing your project needs and wants and logistical nitty gritty. 

Many of us have had an especially difficult, draining and demoralizing few years. FIGMENT is a joyous event. Our goal is to make the process of applying to bring an interactive-art project to FIGMENT as easy and stress free as possible this year.  This is a new process to please be patient with us.


Project pointers; guidelines for Snug Harbor on Staten Island

Things You Will Need to Bring to Snug Harbor 
• Everything! Snug Harbor is a cultural center and if you don’t bring it, what you need is not going to be there!
• Smiles, patience and a cooperative attitude – you are a FIGMENT ambassador when interacting with Snug Harbor staff and the public. Be willing to offer a hand to other artists through the install and de-install process.
• Water. Bring a refillable water bottle. There are drinking fountains and your bottles can be filled at those locations.
• Food (food is sold by vendors and restaurants at the center, but it never hurts to bring your own)
• A crew of helpers
• 100+ ft. of electrical cord (if bringing corded power tools)
• Tools you plan to use for installation, de-installation at FIGMENT
• Sunscreen and maybe a hat

Limited electricity is available for installation and de-installation. Keep in mind that the closest outlet to your project will be more than 100 feet away. Plan accordingly and bring your own extension cords and all tools necessary for install and removal of your piece.

Selling things at FIGMENT
FIGMENT is an entirely free and non-commercial event in which everyone volunteers their time and effort to participate… the organizers, the artists, the participants. One of the things that FIGMENT tries to do is to create an area in which interactions between people are not mediated by commercial transactions of any kind. Everything at FIGMENT is free, and there is no advertising, nothing for sale, and no one insisting that you have to give a donation to participate. If people want to give a donation to help make FIGMENT happen, they can do so at a few donation boxes located around the Festival. The idea here is that so many of our interactions with other people are based on commerce. At FIGMENT, everything that we do is a gift, is done for the pleasure of doing it and sharing it with other people. If that isn’t enough of a motivation for you, FIGMENT may not be the right venue for you. Please note that entities that are not part of FIGMENT will be selling food at Snug Harbor during the event as a service. Also, Snug Harbor is on Staten Island, there are many places to get food in the neighborhood around Snug Harbor.

On the water
Snug Harbor is near the water but we do not have permission to place anything in the water.

There is access to water fountains on the island, but the locations are limited so bring a refillable water bottle, there will be water stations at the event. If you need a small amount of water (a bucketful) for your project, there is a hose, your curator can help you find it. 

Balloons and flying things
Without getting the FAA involved, you can go as high as 149′, no more. With FAA permission, it’s not a big deal to go up to 500′. Please let us know if you think your project will be higher than 149′ from the ground. If you erect a tent it must be taken down overnight to prevent wind gusts from turning it into a flying thing. 

Cooking and Food
We cannot cook or distribute food on the island. We can bring food for ourselves and our friends, i.e. a picnic. There are many restaurants and take-out places near Snug Harbor. There’s no cooking allowed on the grounds.

Yes! Just as long as your chalk art doesn’t seem like directional signage and confuse people about where to go. Chalk art (which washes away with water) is good!  If you are bringing chalk, please submit your project so your curator can work on getting that approval.

Transporting Your Project
Think modular design. It is important to consider the transport and final assembly of your project in the design. It is ideal to have practically ALL of the major construction completed before bringing it to the island. Projects should be created in pieces that are movable by a maximum of 4 people. Be sure to coordinate a crew for your installation / de-installation. 

If it takes more than 4 people to move your completed project we strongly recommend you divide your project into multiple sections so it is easier to install, de-install and move should the need arise. We recommend transporting projects in “granny carts” and dollies. If you need a table, consider a collapsible one that fits on a dolly. These items are available at most hardware stores.

How to make your project participatory
FIGMENT is a unique art event in that all projects presented at the event must be participatory and interactive. Participatory art involves the participation of the audience in the creation of the work. We encourage artists who may work in more traditional ways to introduce a participatory element to their pieces for FIGMENT. To help get you started, here are some suggestions:

- Host a workshop with your piece and teach others how to make their own pieces using your methods.
- Integrate a performance element into your piece – musical, theatrical, dance, or “performance art” are all welcome, and more!
- Host an activity with your piece.
- Create a new piece of work at FIGMENT and involve the audience in its creation – for example, painting or building. For more ideas, submit your project so that a curator can help make your idea a reality.

Suggested project materials and resources for Snug Harbor

Metal and Fiber Glass
These are suitable materials for holding up to the elements.

Glass and Plexiglas
Glass and unframed or unsupported Plexiglas are not suitable for the island, as when these break they leave behind dangerous shards.

Plants and Living Materials
If your project proposal contains plants or running water, it’s important to note that the access to water is limited when Snug Harbor is open to the public. If your piece does contain plants / living materials / running water, you must map out additional plans for maintenance and you will be expected to make more frequent trips to Snug Harbor to maintain it.

Wood and wood-like materials
While wood has demonstrated the ability to make it through the weekend, it can suffer in the environment on Snug Harbor. Consider using a few extra coats of paint to increase the durability of wood materials in your project. For durability reasons FIGMENT has determined for the construction of your project to use:
• A minimum of ½” thick weather-treated plywood
• 3/4 inch or 1" if you are using oriented strand board (OSB).
• Under no circumstances should you use medium density fiberboard (MDF) as it won't withstand the environment.
• Pressure treated wood is ideal and consider sealing the wood with 2 coats of deck paint.
• Lastly, keep in mind the weight of each of your sections.
If you cannot move a section with 4 people or less you will encounter challenges during install, de-install. We strongly recommend you design your project into multiple sections so it is easier to install, de-install and move should the need arise.

Small and or moving parts are likely to fall off and/or need constant repair. Anything shiny and pretty that can be pried off will be. Consider a child’s mentality and curiosity. Avoid sharp-moving parts, or pointy things that stick up even if it seems obvious that they should not be touched. The FIGMENT festival should be fun, and a trip to the ER is never fun.

This is not a traditional art event. When you design a piece for FIGMENT Weekend imagine that it will be climbed on by 15 people at a time, kicked, walked on, etc. — for 8 hours a day, for 2 consecutive days. If it rains, there is limited shelter, water will gather in low-lying areas and grass will turn muddy. Keeping that in mind, build for the apocalypse and consider a modular design for ease of transport and installation and de-installation. Although we have not had acts of intentional vandalism, anything that moves, is shiny or removable will be played with and pulled on in ways you did not imagine.

Leave No Trace

Leave No Trace or “LNT” is more than just a trendy green catchphrase or a reminder to use trash can; it is about collectively leaving the space we use better than we received it—and being prepared to accomplish that goal.

The FIGMENT community takes this principle very seriously. Everyone involved in FIGMENT—staff, volunteers, artists and participants—we all play a role in upholding this principle. Leaving Snug Harbor in good condition is critical to our relationship with the center, and to our ability to hold future FIGMENT NYC Weekend events. The FIGMENT curatorial team will be at the event keeping an eye out for projects that need LNT support. Artists who do not uphold this principle will not be invited to participate in future FIGMENT events.
That said, with proper consideration and planning, LNT should not be a problem if you follow these guidelines.

Planning your project

Look out for MOOP!
We have a term for the “trace” that’s left behind—MOOP. MOOP stands for “Matter Out Of Place,” and is more than just litter.

Design your project to avoid MOOP
Designing your project to be MOOP-proof is the best way to Leave No Trace and give yourself peace of mind. A set of postcards or feathers from a boa can turn from art to MOOP with a gust of wind. Here are some materials you should think carefully about before using them:
- Feathers, paper, cardboard It blows away easily and doesn’t hold up to rain. How will you handle weather situations?
- Glass breaks easily into tiny little bits that are not easy to clean up
- Paint is MOOP if it doesn’t land on your project. Paint on the grass, buildings, or pavement is MOOP. Paint that gets on a participant who then tracks it around the island is MOOP. Paint that spills in transit around the island is MOOP. If your project involves painting by either you or participants, make sure the area in which you are working is protected with tarps, that participants  won’t track paint with them, AND that your paint won’t spill during transit.

Plan for a MOOP emergency
Okay, so you have some MOOPy materials, but you’ve taken precautions to ensure they won’t become MOOP. Now imagine something goes wrong, and a participant breaks something or uses your project in an unintended manner, and you’ve got MOOP. What materials do you need on hand to clean it up? Plan to bring them, and plan to have help on hand if you might need it. In general, FIGMENT has limited cleaning materials and resources to assist artists with MOOP problems.
Pack it in, pack it out. Anything your project leaves behind on the island after deinstall is MOOP. Snug Harbor provides trash cans around the park for visitors to deposit their litter. They are not designed to accommodate trash from the hundreds of projects that comprise FIGMENT. If your project generates waste or if your project is designed to be thrown out after the event, consider how you might reduce or eliminate that waste. If you must generate waste, have a plan to pack it out with you.

If, for some reason, your project has special disposal needs or you can’t take it with you, your artist support volunteer/curator can work with you on a disposal plan.

At the event

Everyone is responsible for the MOOP around them
When we encounter MOOP, we don’t worry about where it came from, we just pick it up. Even if it’s a napkin from someone’s lunch that blew away in the wind and landed near you, just grab it and put it in the trash. MOOP attracts more MOOP.
Perform MOOP sweeps for high-traffic projects and events if your project is designed to attract and hold a large number of people who stick around for a while—for example, a DJ, workshop, large participatory event, or large-scale installation—expect people to leave MOOP behind. You should plan to have your project team sweep your area after an event or
throughout the day to collect MOOP.

Have MOOP bags
We recommend you have a bag handy in which to put MOOP that accumulates around your project during install, the event, and deinstall. Have enough bags to hand out to everyone on your team.

Don’t let it hit the ground
When you’re installing or deinstalling your project, sometimes it’s easier to toss parts like nails or bolts on the ground and pick them up later. But that makes them harder to find later, especially in grass. Put down a tarp or have a bucket ready if you have small parts to collect.

Do a final MOOP sweep to complete your deinstall
You are responsible for MOOP in the immediate area of your project, regardless of who put it there. Whether it’s a nail from your project or a plastic wrapper from someone’s snack, please do a MOOP sweep to make sure your project’s area is free of MOOP to complete your deinstall.

Communication with your FIGMENT curator

The FIGMENT staff communicates with artists primarily by email. You will need to check your email account regularly for communications from your curator, especially in the weeks leading up to the event.

Please note that FIGMENT is run by volunteers. It may take your curator a few days to respond to messages. Please be patient and respectful with your curator. If your curator has not replied to an urgent message within a few days, you can email [email protected] for assistance.

Also please note that FIGMENT NYC is not using our regular Salesforce database to manage project submissions this year. This means we don't have access to our historical information as readily as we normally to. If you are resubmitting a project from a prior year you will have to resubmit details about your project.  

Frequently asked questions

Please check out our FAQ page for answers to your questions!

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